Flameproofing Violations

A violation is an official notice that a property is not in compliance with the New York Fire Code and/or Fire Department Rules. Regulations require all decorations such as draperies, area rugs, and decorative greens in certain properties to be flame resistant. If such items are combustible, or not coated in a flame retardant chemical, then it is considered a flameproofing violation.

To ensure compliance, the FDNY will conduct a public assembly inspection on properties and buildings where 75 or more people may be gathered at any given time. Someone representing the property or building must be present while the inspection is taking place. During the process, the inspector will be looking for an important document, the flameproofing affidavit, which afferms all appropriate items and materials were flameproofed. Once the inspection is complete, the owner will be informed immediatly if the property passes or fails.

What items need to be flameproofed

red carpet going down stairs to a door


curtian texture tan and blue

Curtains & Drapery

white upholstered chair in lobby

Upholstered Furniture

fake plant

Artificial Greenery

two wreaths and a tree

Holiday Decorations

blue theater seats

Theater Seats

What establishments need to be flameproofed

inside hotel lobby


university sign

College / Universities

padded play area for kids

Daycare Centers

hospital exterior


bar interior

Bars / Night Clubs

interior of theatre


If the property fails...

If the establishment fails inspection, the property will be issued a violation and a list of conditions that must be met in order to bring up to code. It is imperative that action is taken immediately to flameproofing violations cited. Once a violation list is issued, it must be corrected in 35 days.

non compliance to any flameproofing violation can result in the following:

  • Fines of up to $5,000 per cited violation.
  • Loss of fire insurance.
  • Increased liability in the event of a lawsuit.

How to resolve property flameproofing violations

>The correction of a flameproofing violation is simple, as long as action is taken right away. Contact an FDNY approved company or contractor with a C-15 Certificate of Fitness (such as New York Flameproofing) to come in and flameproof any decorations, drops, furniture or carpets. After the flame retardant treatment is completed, the C-15 Certificate of Fitness holder will provide an Affidavit of Flame Retardency. The notarized affidavit will certify that all necessary items were flameproofed. The affidavit must be filed with the Bureau of Fire protection no later than ten days after issued.

Need help resolving a Flameproofing Violation?

If your business has been issued a violation from the FDNY due to flameproofing issues, we can help! By having New York Flameproofing schedule a consultation and treat required items with our certified fire retardant treatments, we can resolve your violation and have you in good standing with the FDNY within 24 hours. Call 1-800-590-5530 or fill out our form for a quote.